Gladius Network Shared Economy for Content Delivery and DDoS Protection

Our “Gladius” has made it our mission to harness the power of decentralization in optimizing network traffic for the speed and robustness of DDoS attacks. Our platform is the next step in the evolution of website optimization and protection services. DDoS Protection is for Everyone DDoS Attacks can be expensive and debilitating for any business. While some believe that only large companies are at risk, 50% of all websites will be victims of denial of service attacks. It is integral that all online organizations have multiple solutions to protect from the worst.
DDoS attacks cost millions for household names like Twitter, BBC, and Netflix. DDoS attacks cost millions for many companies such as Twitter, BBC, and Netflix. DDoS attacks can be rumored to drain company costs between $ 100,000 and $ 250,000 per hour. And for big businesses that rely on online traffic for revenue, DDoS mitigation solutions can spend tens of millions just to fight when an attack is being done.
All modern websites are created and grow on one thing: speed. Every business should know that enhanced site response time can be translated to improved conversions and revenue. Improving delivery across global audiences can also be a success factor in growing your business to customers all over the world. Content delivery networks significantly cut the load time up to a fraction of the normal amount. The big profits from CDN to businesses are easily seen by the fact that the CDN market by 2015 is worth $ 4.95 billion dollars — a figure that is expected to more than triple from 2020 to $ 15.73 billion dollars.
The ability to reduce DDoS attacks while creating an effective and secure CDN puts our team in a unique position. Fully utilizing blockchain technology allows us to put power in the hands of the people. Having an independent node platform that is able to transfer money without stopping consists of our core network. Network nodes and ponds lead to highly competitive markets where pools can manage prices, special network settings, and compete for businesses. As a consequence, users will get the best service with the most competitive price. It is our mission to make the internet safer and faster for business and end users.

DDoS protection for all
Attacking DDoS can be expensive and undermine any business. Although some believe that only large companies are at risk, 50% of all websites will be victims of denial of service attacks. It's integrated that all online organizations have some solutions to protect the worst.
The cost of millions DDoS attacks for household names, such as Twitter, BBC and Netflix. It is reported that DDoS attacks can cost between $ 100,000 and $ 250,000 per hour. And for big businesses that rely on online traffic to earn revenue, a solution to reducing DDoS can spend tens of millions to just fight back after the onslaught continues.

Speed ​​is the name of the game
All modern websites are built and built with one: speed. Every business needs to know that increasing the response time of a website can lead to an increase in the number of conversions and revenue. Increasing delivery through a global audience can also be a factor in the successful expansion of your business for customers around the world. Content delivery network significantly reduces download time up to a fraction of the normal amount.
The big profit CDN gives to businesses is easy to spot because the CDN market in 2015 is worth 4.95 billion US dollars - an indicator estimated at more than three times in 2020 to $ 15.73 billion.

Blockchain - missing puzzle game
The ability to significantly reduce DDoS attacks while creating an effective and secure CDN puts our team in a unique position. The full use of blockchain technology allows us to put power in the hands of the public. The presence of an independent node platform, capable of transferring currency transfers, is the core of our network.
Network nodes and ponds lead to highly competitive markets where pools can manage prices, configure network settings and compete for businesses. As a result, users will get the best service with the most competitive price. Our mission is to make the Internet safer and faster for business as well as for end users.

Gladius Platform
Gladius's goal is to create a fully decentralized and peer-to-peer network to connect the world's unused bandwidth to websites that seek protection from DDoS and accelerated content delivery. Anyone with a computer can download Gladius peer-to-peer clients and run them in the background to lease unused bandwidth and get Glasius Tokens (GLA) in the process. Large pools with hundreds, if not thousands of nodes, will be able to process a continuous stream of requests to check for connections on the site and block malicious activity, as well as improve boot time through a decentralized CDN.
The client node can be installed on any Linux, Windows or MacOS machine and will automatically start in the background when it is selected. The knot can then choose the bandwidth capability and apply it to the pool. Once received, any requests that the user's computer processes will get their Gladius tokens. In turn, users can sell this token back to the website to create an economic cycle that drives the growth of the Gladius network.

ICO will start on November 1, 2017. the token will have the abbreviation GLA, it will not just be a token, but will be used by the website to purchase DDoS and CDN services. Gladius will introduce commissions for site owners in other currencies other than GLA.

Details of the token:
GLA token namethe price of the token on the ICO: 1ETH = 500GLA
will be released on ERC20the maximum number of tokens 96 320 000 GLA
The maximum goal of the sold tokens is $ 41,000,000

There are also early bonuses:
in the first 24 hours 600 GLA / ETH(20% Bonus)
first week 525 GLA / ETH(5% Bonus)
second week 515 GLA / ETH(3% Bonus)
third week 505 GLA / ETH(1% Bonus)
the fourth week without bonuses

Token distribution:
60% will be sold at ICO
10% to the founder of the project
15% future operations
15% to the project team


Link For Information:

My bitcointalk:;u=1140838


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