ANKORUS - Finance and Crypto Worlds Linked By Blockchain Technology


The advent of blockchain technology enables the creation of asset-backed tokens, where each token can be pegged according to the appropriate security value stored in the backup. Ankorus will build an online exchange inhabited by current financial assets around the world. Various audit actions will be taken to establish transparency, and customers will be able to validate that the tobacco assets are fully supported and held by Ankorus.


Ankorus will allow cryptoholders to purchase real-world financial assets. Instead of cryptocurrency, Ankorus will create and allocate tokens whose values ​​correspond to their assets. The natural results we expect can be a radical disruption to the traditional financial world, which too often serve too little.

Cryptoholders can actually diversify their portfolios across multiple asset classes. A steady market requires liquidity, and by our plan to connect the crypto world with finance, trade volumes will inevitably - and increase - increase. Ankorus will open up several new channels for the movement of wealth, and this additional fluidity will also facilitate the release of more stable holdings of a volatile market. It should be noted that crypto scopes that have not produced and evolved are too often caught when it comes to security issues. Widespread feelings are widespread in many places as they know, whenever, their profits may be prey to hackers or other catastrophes.

Assets purchased and owned by Ankorus will be insured and audited on a regular basis, as we recognize that trust and transparency are two of the most important ingredients in promoting sustainable growth. In addition, we will also build AnchorNet, our unique trading platform that will shape the nexus between crypto and finance. Twenty-four hours multilingual multilingual service will be ready to handle any account issues customers might have, whether it is a security breach or just with the wrong keywords.

The notion of experienced trader CEO John Cruz (a global exchange veteran like CME, CBOT and Eurex), Ankorus was born out of deep personal dissatisfaction with the old model. The resulting solution comes from the natural synthesis of breakthrough technology and hard marketing experience for more than two decades.

Our solution is the inspired but logical crystallization of where we used to be and where we should go next. In general, we have the conviction that the time is right and mature to disrupt the inheritance financial order, potentially replacing it with more appropriate updates for the twenty-first century.


Pick Any Financial Asset
Shares / Stocks
ETFs / Bonds Currencies Commodities
Pay with 60+ Cryptocurrencies
Bitcoin / Ether Litecoin / Ripple Dash / NEO Monero / Omisego
Anchor Tokens Tied to Your Security
Instantly Credited To Your Smart Wallet
Trade Transfer Redeem


 Message from John Cruz, CEO
The job of a merchant is to do the right thing on many things at the same time. Add a mix of challenges to learning about new trading platforms, plus onboard and bad customer support from vendors and the exchange, and it's no surprise that trading is frustrating, expensive, and hard to get right. Vendors and exchanges have substandard standards, and sometimes criminals, levels of competence, security and support. And it does not include hacking threats that ever existed.
I've also been trading electronically for most of that time, testing beta almost every platform I've ever used. After 25 years, I can not pass this rebirth again. So, I created this platform for me and to share it with the world. And my team can make it happen.
My career has been long and profitable because I have successfully tested traders, and arbitrageur. I searched for and found low cost entry and market inefficiencies. Trading is my job and I keep working on it. Sticking my money is part of what I do. You must preserve your capital. Crypto's trade did not scare me. The crypto exchange is incompetent and unreliable and non-existent
support platform that scared me. I not only built Ankorus for me, other people can also benefit from it. The time has come to act.


When our customer purchases an Anchor Token, we will immediately purchase the appropriate asset. Ankorus, as a trusted keeper, holds this asset in reserve. Token holders may exchange their Anchor Tokens at the Ankorus sign exchange exchange, AnchorNet, or redeem the value directly from us. The Token Anchor system will be an alternative investment ecosystem that enables and provides any financial instruments, including stocks, bonds, futures, options, gold, silver, commodities, REIT, ETF and state debt.
When our customer purchases an Anchor Token, we will immediately purchase the appropriate asset. Ankorus, as a trusted keeper, holds this asset in reserve. Token holders may exchange their Anchor Tokens at the Ankorus sign exchange exchange, AnchorNet, or redeem the value directly from us.


  • The customer selects a financial asset to tokenise.
  • Customer pays Ankorus for their purchase in any one of a number of currencies (this will include BTC, ETH, Ripple’s XRP, BCH, Litecoin, Dash, NEO, Tether and ANK).
  • The Ankorus broker-dealer purchases the underlying securities, as selected by the customer. Orders are filled at the security’s currently traded price.
  • The equivalent value of Anchor Tokens for that security is then credited to the customer’s account in their smart wallet, minus a small fee and commission. Anchor Tokens will be credited to the customer’s wallet within minutes of receiving the order.
  • Any earnings derived from underlying securities will be either automatically reinvested back into those securities, giving the customer a larger number of Anchor Tokens, or credited to the customer’s wallet. The customer can choose which of the two options they prefer.


Ankorus will begin accepting contributions on November 25, 2017. Interested parties may contribute cryptocurrencies to Ankorus, which will be the only form of contribution received. The contribution period will last for 30 days, after which the ANK token will be allocated to the contributor. Contributors will be able to see their contribution in their smart wallet. The "hard hat" was set at 150,000 ETH. 100 million ANK (maximum supply) will be made and divided as follows:

  • 50% publicly available.
  • 24% is allocated to the pity of Ankorus.
  • 15% is allocated to founder Ankorus *.
  • 5% is allocated to Ankorus * advisor.
  • 3% is allocated to bounties.
  • 3% is allocated to marketer costs.

ANK allocated to founder and adviser Ankorus (amounting to 20% of total ANK) will be electronically controlled for a period of 12 months. This key will be built into a smart contract and visible on blockchain.



My bitcointalk:;u=1140838


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