Demeter - Breakthroughs and Solutions in the Agricultural Sector

What is Demeter

the central hub for hiring and growing micro fields in the world - without the intermediaries, the complexity or overhead of a large organization - It is true, decentralized farms.

The platform will run with a Ethereal-based etiquette called: DMT. It provides the security and fuel trust necessary to create and keep people alive.

Communities that create and define rules and certificates for organic farming The dynamic process ensures the quality of every step of the way.

Our Mission 

We use state-of-the-art technology to give every individual on the planet access to quality food that is traded.
Our platform puts the world to the next level of sustainable agriculture.

We must know that Agriculture arises when a society is able to maintain food availability for itself. Agriculture forces a group of people to settle and thus encourages the emergence of civilization. There is a change in the belief system, the development of life support tools as well as the arts due to the adoption of agricultural technology. Culture of society that depends on agriculture aspect is termed as agrarian culture. As part of human culture, agriculture has brought a great revolution in human life before the industrial revolution. It can even be said that the agricultural revolution is the first cultural revolution experienced by humans.

Along with the birth of technology and the development of the times, many of the complicated problems we have to face in development in the agricultural sector are, among others, the declining interest of the younger generation to want to plunge into the agricultural sector. The interest and participation of youth in agriculture continues to decline. There are a number of causes, such as agriculture deemed incapable of sustaining the future, many of them more interested in areas close to technology and communications, as well as limited access to land and capital and lack of support for the younger generation. This causes the agricultural potential can not be worked out optimally.

To answer that problem came a project called Demeter which would later become a platform that can help build a better awareness of agriculture and will believe that the agricultural sector is able to provide income and sustain the lives of many people and become the foundation of the future.

Demeter and Token DMT brought the agricultural revolution to life. By combining the power of blockchain with local and small farming units - we make transparent micro farms a true reality. Call it Ag4.0 or just call Growfunding. This is the main farm, and this will change the way you eat.

How it works

Demeter gives you full control by connecting you directly to local farmers anywhere in the world. Simply select your farm size, practice and micro production - or shop for your local farm food supplies and fresh food delivered to your door. No more premium prices. No unknown agricultural practices. No longer delivery time.

And by cutting "the corporate market maker" every farmer also makes a profit. They get more, farm better, and have a direct relationship with the community

Demeter also offers several features such as:

Demeter can be a liaison between the consumer and the farm of the micro farm or the farmer who is located anywhere. With this both parties can connect directly so that consumers know the origin of the source of food they consume and eventually all will become easier with the help of Demeter

Community Community: 
This project helps to enforce the rules so that all will be guaranteed security and Demeter also helps create certification for organic farming. Because we know that getting a certified extension takes a long time and the process is not easy either, here Demeter gives a role to help solve it all

Later Token of this project will be known by the name of DMT which token choose ethreum as its transaction base. Demeter also offers a guarantee of security that will grow trust in this token and will eventually create and keep the community alive.

Funding Development:
We know that in order to develop the agricultural sector to produce a quality commodity there needs to be some funding support, Demeter as the fourth agricultural revolution will be the solution to this problem. Because Demeter provides an opportunity for anyone to be able to help by investing in this project because because Demeter makes a breakthrough micro investments for agricultural land encourages quality food production and helps farmers.

Demeter Token (DMT) will be the ecosystem center Total DMT supply will be 200,000,000 units to be divided in this way:
And I Will Also Show Anyone From The Demeter Team
Distribution of Demeter Tokens

  • Information about the distribution of this Demeter Token can be seen as follows:
  • Token Name: Demeter (DMT)
  • Number of tokens: 200 000 000
  • Crowdsale will start on Saturday 18 November 2017 at 11:00 UTC.
More info is below

By : gilingan


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