PumaPay: highly efficient and very secure payment

Letzte Woche habe ich nach langer Zeit einen meiner Schulfreunde in einem Restaurant getroffen. Da wir beide etwas Zeit hatten, haben wir uns über eine breite Palette von Themen wie Familie, Beruf, Gesundheit, Finanzen usw. unterhalten. Von allen Themen, die wir besprochen haben, war das Interessanteste über Zahlungen. Er erklärte schön, wie das Bezahlsystem derzeit funktioniert, wie es in der Vergangenheit funktioniert hat und was in der Zukunft passieren wird. Im Folgenden finden Sie die Zusammenfassung seines Vortrags.
Zahlung ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil unseres Lebens. Ohne das können Sie keine Produktdienstleistungen kaufen, die für Ihren Lebensunterhalt wesentlich sind. Mit dem Aufkommen der Technologie hat das Zahlungssystem auch eine Menge Änderungen von Bargeld zu Brieftaschen durchgemacht, wie unten angegeben:

What is PumaPay?
PumaPay is a comprehensive blockchain solution that offers stronger payment mechanisms that are much more credible, efficient, flexible, cost-effective, and scalable than current applications (credit cards). Unlike current payment methods, which include virtual credit cards and coins such as Bitcoin, the Pullback Payment Protocol is designed from the ground up specifically to overcome existing obstacles and offer a set of tools developed to facilitate the orientation process for both businesses and individuals.

Since most people do not understand the technology that supports their debit and credit cards, we'll give you a brief synopsis. When you swipe your card, the Visa network records your transactions and assesses the credit worthiness to complete the transaction completely. Then, your financial institution is contacted within the next few days to verify the transaction.

By using the PumaPay ecosystem, users can take advantage of the following features:

  • Billing solutions that accept cryptocurrencies and bypass credit card systems entirely
  • Various traditional payment services like recurring plans, pay-per-view, pay-per-use
  • Lowered risk of fraud or double spending, thanks to the distributed ledger system
  • Cutting the middleware that usually pumps up transaction prices with up to 15%

The PumaPay mission is to become the staple solution for online payments and achieve mainstream adoption by implementing the following strategies.

Realize the financial dream of elaborate payment systems for everyday use using the blockchain technology and the smart contracts feature.
Realizing the upload of the current billing layer to the blockchain infrastructure and save the tertiary commissions that pump up the prices for merchants using it. Thus cutting the final costs,significantly.
Major Growth 
the global awareness with regards to cryptocurrencies both offline and online by providing a straightforward system of payment. By using a proprietary method of payment gateways, PumaPay will act as an online payment terminal that the front-end processors can use.

The Company's Vision:
PumaPay aims to be the base layer for the cryptocurrency payments throughout the world.
The PumaPay protocol will be consisting of both on-chain and off-chain components making it user-friendly to increase customer satisfaction and experience. The main purpose of this company is to make our online and offline lives easier.

How does it work?
  1. Several components come together to build the PumaPay payments protocol.
  2. The PumaPay token will be the basic mode of payment on the platform.
  3. An Account will be created to track token balance, PullContracts, and Limiters linked to an address.
  4. Authorizers who decide whether a PullContract should pull or request money from an account.
  5. PullContracts represents how payments will occur between accounts and enable the transfer of PumaPay tokens.
  6. Limiters, which can be set by an account owner in order to set certain limitations on the account.
  7. Apart from these, there are several other components such as off-chain components, PumaPay wallet etc. that work together to make the platform successful.

Token Details:
The PumaPay token will be one of its kind with its functionality, the token will be developed as ERC223 compliant and will be launched in the public blockchain technology, after six months the actual and final version of the token will be launched.

The PMA tokens will be available for sale in the token offering event which will commence on 22nd March 2018 and will be open for a period of 7 days. The tokens sold in this period will determine the final number of tokens of PumaPay. The tokens will be offered at an exchange rate of 1 ETH= 50,000 PMA will be decreased as the sale closes. All the tokens sold in this phase will comprise to the 30% of the total token quantity. The PumaPay token sale will have a soft cap of 20,000 ETH.


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