PUMAPAY: daily payment for daily transactions using cryptocurrency

EVIDENCE open-source Pull Protocol One of the possible solutions to offer the best will make it more credible, good, flexible, really, and better than the current implementation. Unlikе tоdау'ѕ рауmеnt methods, whiсh inсludе сrеdit card аnd likе virtuаl соinѕ Bitсоin, which Prоtосоl Pауmеnt Pull it dеѕignеd of grоund uр thе ѕресifiсаllу to overcome obstacles еxiѕting offers a set tооlѕ аnd tо facilitate оnbоаrding developed рrосеѕѕеѕ аnd fоr bоth buѕinеѕѕеѕ individuаlѕ.

Blockchain technology has started a silent revolution in many areas such as health, travel, insurance, cars, etc. Whenever new technologies are introduced, or existing ones are modified, payment methods will also be upgraded. For example, once the internet was discovered, the concept of Net banking was introduced. Mobile banking applications were developed when 2G internet was introduced. Now, since blockchain is recreating the existing technology, it changes the way you make payments. By using blockchain technology, it is possible to transform any system from existing centralized ways into decentralized systems that will enable P2P communications to eliminate the need for intermediaries or intermediaries. So, the costs involved in the transaction will be greatly reduced.

A decentralized vision, a blockchain company that creates payment protocols that combine the benefits of traditional billing and blockchain technologies, today announced the launch of the PumaPay protocol; an all-in-one blockchain payment solution that offers billing mechanisms for e-commerce, online services, and traditional merchants.

Is PumaPay only flexible for business? No. It offers various options to users so they can choose the best based on their needs. See 2 interesting payment options below.

Shared payments - How to send the same amount of money to two or more of your friends at the same time? Sounds interesting? Yes PumaPay shared payments allow sending money to multiple recipients in a single transaction. No need to worry about transaction privacy will be P2P (Point to Point) without sharing information with third person.

Limited payments - Are you a parent looking for a solution to limit access to money to your children? The PumaPay protocol will help you to place restrictions on the wallet based on the purpose of the transaction.

The PumaPay protocol also supports various payment options based on business or customer needs. Given below are a few supported payment options.

Single / One-time Payment
Shared payments
Fixed amount of Repeat payment
Pay-per-use payments
Shared payments
Payment is limited
Money Back Guarantee

Because PumaPay is an open source protocol, any business can integrate their existing payment system or develop new payments on top of the protocol. The only thing you need to access the platform is a PumaPay (PMA) token. This token will be available for sale during the token sales event.

PumaPay Mission

Standardize and enable a comprehensive payment method through blockchain

Decentralized billing layer and substantial intermediate cost savings for traders

Increase the use of cryptocurrency both online and offline and facilitation as a standard payment tool

PumaPay Token

Token PumaPay is the facilitator of the unique functionality of the protocol. This is the only way of transferring value between the parties above the protocol and can be converted from a currency or other cryptocurrency fiat. We expect the adoption of PumaPay tokens in the online and offline industries, especially in e-commerce and online services. By facilitating the integration of our protocols and making FDI as a de-facto payment tool, we aim to reach the critical mass of users, thus building a rapidly growing economy of cryptocurrency.
Our token economy depends on four pillars:

Early adopters

This is a business people from various industries who have committed to integrate PumaPay Pull solutions.

Launch Partner

Our launch partners will integrate PumaPay Pull Payment Protocols into their platforms and work with us to create the basis for the decentralization of the entire industry through the widespread adoption of PumaPay Token.

Pride of PumaPay

This is an app that integrates with our wallet where PumaPay token holders can explore places to use their tokens, significantly improving attraction in participating businesses.
Third Party Service Provider
Allow third-party companies to create layers of services over Protocols, contribute to the PumaPay ecosystem, and create new business opportunities for businesses (eg credit networks, security, code verification, and more).

Third Party Service Provider

Allow third-party companies to create layers of services over Protocols, contribute to the PumaPay ecosystem, and create new business opportunities for businesses (eg credit networks, security, code verification, and more).

Please visit the following links to learn more information about pumapay:

Website: https://pumapay.io/

Whitepaper: https://pumapay.io/docs/pumapay_whitepaper.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/PumaPay

Twitter : https: //twitter.com/PumaPay

Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com/PumaPay/

My bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1140838

ETH ADD : 0xD3E317963e59D10ee190AB348C0E0c993339d0c3


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